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TJOCR -The Joy Of Creation Reborn pour Android ... The Joy of Creation: Reborn(sequel) orTJoC: R is a recreated version of The Joy of Creation. It is said to have much more better features than the original T 创造的喜悦tjoc: r,《创造的喜悦》(tjoc:r)是一款恐怖生存冒险类游戏,游戏玩法和玩具熊的午夜后宫相似,不如说游戏整体就是玩具熊的同人版。你在一个漆黑的屋子里,你的面前时一个显示器,你的两边分别有两扇门,你需要通过显示器观察敌人的动态,一旦电视屏幕出现雪花,就意味着,创造的 Change Log:-Fixed Menu Buttons-Fixed Objectives-Fixed Bonnie Bug (Bonnie gets stuck, it's fixed)-Fixed Foxy AI (%25)-Big Perfomance Boost for Weak Phones -Op 22/8/2017 · TJOC - The Joy Of Creation Story - indie horror game. In TJOC - The Joy Of Creation Story play through the eyes of Scott and his family, as they try to survive inside their own home on the dreadful night that brought the horror into reality, the scorched beings whose origin and motives are yet unknown. This is a New Update of The Joy of Creation Reborn Android (Or TJoC R Android) To Fix ALL Bugs and Best performance.Links:Mediafire: Link: pongo Twitter porque no puedo entrar :

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Tjoc r android v1.5下载

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TJoC R是一款横行多年的冒险恐怖游戏,他的系列也是多不胜数,但唯独这款是最受国人玩家们的喜爱,而小编在这两个星期内一直没找到这款手机版。终于在昨天晚上,我们的乐友@沙皮dog 给小编带来了TJoC R的游戏包。 TJoC:R Android by fiveNightsatfreddys1_14a8 @fiveNightsatfreddys1_14a8. 117 Follow. Overview; Comments 7 Followers 117 Free. TJoC:R Android Version: 0