《牛津希腊语词典》Greek - English Lexicon_英语资源网_ ...
Syntax cv2.resize(src, dsize[, dst[, fx[, fy[, interpolation]]]]) → dst interpolation 选项 所用的插值方法 INTER_NEAREST 最近邻插值 INTER_LINEAR 双线性插值(默认设置) INTER_AREA 使用像素区域关系进行重采样。 它可能是图像抽取的首选方法,因为它 The Hebrew-English Old Testament Interlinear (HEOTI), Produced by Christian Publishing House, Cambridge, Ohio seeks to make a notable addition to the Greek-English Interlinear family by providing a text of the Greek New Testament that is based on the most recent research and is grounded in the earliest manuscript witnesses, with the objective of ascertaining the original… A Helpful New Resource. The Greek-English Interlinear ESV New Testament is an essential volume for all who study the New Testament in the original Greek. On each page the Greek NA28 text is laid out word-by-word above an English gloss indicating each word’s basic meaning and morphology. Interlinear translations attempt to translate words one by one and literally except where a literal translation would impair understanding. If so, understanding is prioritized. For example, even though the more usual translation of the next phrase would be the dog did not follow him , we have opted for a more literal translation as it is still understandable: 历代耶稣形象及其在文化史上的地位 [ M ]. 杨德友 ,译. 香港 :道风山汉语基督教文化研究所 , 1995. [ Pelikan ,J . Jesus Through the Centuries : His Place in the History of Culture[ M ]. Trans. Yang Deyou. Hong Kong : Institute of Sino2Christian Studies ,1995. ] [ 5 ] Berry , G. R. Interlinear Greek English New Translate the Greek New Testament – Interlinear Texts and Online Tools. Greek New Testaments in digital forms are easy to find online. Many of these are interlinears which will parse every word for you to help you translate from Greek to English so you can better understand the …
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2007年3月2日 [关键词] 翻译; 基督教;《圣经》; 希伯来语; 阿拉米语; 希腊语 translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek means not only one language being 2012年10月12日 古希腊语在线翻译圣经.pdf》全集下载,本站提供的电子书尽量都是完整的 新约 圣经详细ηκαινη ιαθηκηηκαινη ιαθηκη the new covenant the greek 2021年2月18日 Zhubert's Greek Bible (新約版本:NA26, Tischendorf 等); GNT Reader 由 Logos與SBL合力提供的嶄新的希臘文新約版本,亦可免費下載) 下载. 本网站的目的是为学习《新约》古希腊语的学生提供一些实用的材料。目前, 可以下载的材料是为了帮助学生掌握原文《新约》中的高频词汇。 《新约》中 Basics of Biblical Greek: Textbook 《聖經希臘文基礎》是作者累積多年教學與 寫作的經驗,設計出這本自習與教學皆宜的課本, u 麥種( )與作者(的網站上,提供了豐富的輔助材料,供讀者免費下載.
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interlinear的中文意思:adj.1.写在[印在]行间的。2.一本书用不同的文字隔行对照印出的。短语和例子…,查阅interlinear的详细中文翻译、发音、用法和例句等。 08/04/2008
The Holy Bible Interlinear 中英对照_圣经中英文对照- 润淼网
This is the module for Template:Interlinear and Template:gcl.The function invoked by the first one is p.interlinearise and the one invoked by the latter is p.gcl.See those templates' documentation for usage instructions. Most of the glossing abbreviations are loaded from the data subpage Interlinear Text Sources: Hebrew Text: Westminster Leningrad Codex text courtesy of Hebrew Transliteration Via Strong's Tagging via Open Scriptures, David Troidl and Christopher Kimball Morphology in partnership with Helps Bible. Greek Text: The only complete interlinear Bible available in English--and it's keyed to "Strong's Exhaustive Concordance"! Thousands of pastors, students, and laypeople have found "The Interlinear Bible" to be a time-saving tool for researching the subtle nuances and layers of meaning within the original biblical languages.
雷立柏翻出一本希腊语、拉丁语、英语和汉语四文对照的《圣经-新约》, Greek word for “messenger” is used in the Bible for a spiritual being who carries. 下载App注册登录 我默认学习者的终极目标为无障碍读/写古希腊语而非仅仅「学会古希腊语」,因此 我用的是Introduction to Attic Greek,网站上有一些指导和辅助材料,对于自学者 再顺便推荐一下Logeion这个免费app,查拉丁语和古希腊语单词很方便,虽然只能查原型… 如果是学新约圣经希腊语的话,建议用这本。 Bruce M. Metzger所著,联合圣经协会出版的《希腊文新约文本注释》(A Textual. Commentary on the Greek New Testament )259-272页。 由于后来增添的内容 大量翻译例句关于"Latin-Greek" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 Liberation 字体是拉丁文、希腊文以及西里尔文字的免费自由字体集合。 他们没有发现在圣经中,以及众多的外国势力,特别是从阿拉姆语, 希腊语和拉丁语;学者被
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